Illegal dumping on Pipeline RD Gresham Oregon

Dear Christina Christiansen who attended Sanford-Brown College around 2011/2012 and Marshall Anson Bush (who may or may not be related to Christina Christiansen)

Thank you for illegally dumping your garbage in the ditch for everyone to see just down the road from me. It was fun looking through your family photos and old homework, also thank you for the dirty magazine you might want to have a talk with your significant other about that. 

If you didn’t dump your garbage in the ditch down the road from me then Thank you to the Crack head who bought your storage unit when you didn’t pay the rent for it and then dumped all your stuff in the ditch rather than pay to take it to the dump. If the local county law enforcement wasn’t so busy with anarchists and leftists causing problems in Portland they might have time to figure out who really is dumping here, for the second time in as many months. Oh well Metro will just come clean it up and throw it all away!

I got my first ransom attack email! I have arrived…. not… So last week I got my first hack attack ransom email from some bogus hacking group calling themselves the “Armada Collective”  demanding payment by bitcoin to avoid being hacked, ddos-ed, encrypted, and generally poo-pooed on. So with a roll …

New site design!

Well as you can see I have a new website this afternoon! My old ignored outdated and clearly insecure Invision board install finally got hacked! dragged kicking and screaming into the 90’s hehe I have upgraded to wordpress! Hopefully we are a little more secure now too! Anyway, not much …